5:00PM | Check In/Light Refreshments | GMS Atrium |
5:25PM | Conference Welcome | GMS 1097 |
5:30PM | Grace Stoh (Wisconsin Lutheran College) Mountain Glacier Segmentation Method Using L*a*b* Color Space | GMS 1097 |
5:30PM | Nicole Xie (Lawrence Univeristy) Symmetric Union Presentation and Beta Invariant | GMS 1096 |
5:50PM | Ted Reimer (Carthage College) Coincidence Isometries of 3D Lattices | GMS 1097 |
6:10PM | Melissa Miller (MSOE) Advancing Aviation Safety with Linear Algebra | GMS 1097 |
6:30PM | Crimson Groh (SNC) Redistricting: Gini Index, Calculations, Restrictions, and Applications | GMS 1097 |
6:50PM | Alexandra Bennet (SNC) Measuring Partisan Bias with Randomly Generated District Maps | GMS 1097 |
7:20PM | Dr Sara Jensen The Slippery Symmetry of Stockings | GMS 1097 |
8:20PM | Face Off! Led by Professors from UW-Oshkosh | GMS 1097 |
9:20PM | Pizza | GMS Atrium |
8:30AM | Sign in/Light Refreshments | GMS Atrium |
9:00AM | Zoua Xiong (UWGB) Regression Model Selection | GMS 1097 |
9:20AM | Zachariah Kline (Wisconsin Lutheran) A Performance Comparison of Principal Component Analysis and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization on Optical Spectroscopy Data | GMS 1097 |
9:40AM | Andrew Radicker (Bradley University) Double Nim | GMS 1097 |
10:05AM | Nathaniel Woltman (SNC) Pure Taxicab Geometry and Euclid: Investigating How Circles, Chords, and Angles Behave | GMS 1097 |
10:35AM | Kyle Pulvermacher (UWSP) Statistical Sampling in a Library: The Unexpected Challenges of Data Collection | GMS 1097 |
10:55AM | Luke Kovscek (Lawerence University) T-Singularities on KSBA Stable Surfaces | GMS 1097 |
11:15AM | Dr. Stephen Seubert The Pope’s Rhinoceros | GMS 1097 |
12:15PM | Closing Remarks & Thanks | GMS 1097 |